5 Ways Your Training Program Frustrates Employees (And How to Fix It)

Post - 5 Ways Your Training Program Frustrates Employees (And How to Fix It)

Training plays a critical role in the success of any post-acute care organization, ensuring staff are prepared to meet regulatory requirements and deliver top-notch care. But what if the training meant to help your employees is actually frustrating them instead? While many organizations believe they’re offering valuable education, a surprising number of post-acute care workers feel their training misses the mark. Could your training program be contributing to staff burnout, disengagement, or turnover without you even realizing it? In this post, we’ll explore five hidden training frustrations that could be impacting your team—and what you can do to fix them.

The Problem: Irrelevant Training Content

Employees in post-acute care often feel that training doesn’t match their real-world challenges. When sessions cover generic information that isn’t applicable to their daily tasks, it can lead to frustration. They want training that speaks directly to their role and helps them excel in their day-to-to.

The Fix: Focus on providing role-specific training that directly relates to the challenges your staff faces in the field. Offer content that aligns with the type of care they provide, whether it’s dementia care, wound management, or patient safety. Customizing training for different roles helps keep your team engaged and ensures they see the value in what they’re learning.

The Problem: Overwhelming Training Schedules

For many post-acute care workers, juggling work, family, and personal time is already a challenge. Add lengthy training sessions into the mix, and it’s easy to see why employees may feel overwhelmed. When training eats into their limited time, they may see it as an extra burden rather than an opportunity for growth.

The Fix: Adopt a flexible approach to training that fits into your employees’ busy schedules. Mobile-friendly, online courses that can be completed at their own pace and on their own time ensures that training doesn’t feel like an interruption.

The Problem: Lack of Support

While online training is extremely flexible and convenient for employees it can lead to technical issues—whether it’s trouble accessing the platform, navigating the system, or managing their credentials. Without adequate support, these challenges can lead to frustration and prevent employees from completing their required training.

The Fix: Partner with a vendor that offers end-user support to handle technical issues as employees encounter them. This not only reduces frustration but also ensures smoother training completion, allowing staff to focus on learning rather than battling technical problems. Showdme includes end-user support for every customer, reducing the administrative burden for your team and ensuring nothing keeps your employees from the training they need.

Recommended Reading: Is your organization meeting the training expectations of today’s home care and home health caregivers? We break down the latest data here.

The Problem: Repetitive, Outdated Training

When employees are required to complete the same training sessions year after year, it can feel like a monotonous routine rather than an opportunity to learn. Outdated or repetitive training content not only wastes employees’ time but also diminishes the overall impact of the training.

The Fix: Regularly update your training programs to keep them fresh, relevant, and engaging. Incorporate new industry regulations, best practices, and emerging trends to ensure employees are learning up-to-date information. Showdme specializes in providing compliance-driven courses and we intentionally keep our catalog lean to ensure that every course is relevant and up-to-date.

The Problem: Limited Opportunities for Skill Development

Many employees in post-acute care are eager to advance their skills and career opportunities, but traditional training programs often focus solely on compliance rather than professional development. This can leave employees feeling stagnant and undervalued.

The Fix: In addition to compliance training, offer professional development courses that encourage career growth. Specialized certifications, continuing education, and advanced training for roles like nursing aides or case managers can help employees feel empowered and supported in their career paths. Showing that you’re invested in their professional growth will boost morale and retention.

Your employees will encounter any number of frustrations at work, but training doesn’t need to be one of them. By tailoring training to your employee’s specific needs, keeping it flexible, and updating your programs regularly, you can transform training from a burden into a valuable opportunity for growth.

Showdme’s fully managed training solution ensures a frustration-free training experience for your employees, which has earned us a 91% learner satisfaction rating. Our content is tailored to meet the varying comprehension levels of different types of employees. And our platform and courses are accessible and engaging, ensuring that learners at all levels—from frontline workers to seasoned clinicians—can easily understand and apply the material.

Let us help you create a training culture that empowers and engages your staff—so they can focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional care. Click here to learn more about Showdme’s fully managed training service for post-acute care.  

A view of the showdme compliance training experience across multiple devices

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