Lightbulb conveyor belt illustration

Learning & Development


Learning & Development

phone showing e-learning as a smart decision

Why Investing In Healthcare Career Training Is A Smart Decision

Considering the ever-increasing human lifespan and the evolving nature of diseases, investing in healthcare career training has become a necessity rather ...
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Healthcare training library

Why Is Training and Education Vital In Health Care

When you work in medicine, you do not stop learning when you finish college; you merely move to learning on ...
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Person getting training on a laptop

Tips to Find the Right Online Caregiver Training Course

Caregiving is not designed for every individual. However, if you are someone who truly wants to help seniors live a ...
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Healthcare knowledge base

Caregiver Classes Online: 7 Advantages Of Using E-learning

Caregiving is no more the same as it was a few decades ago. The caregiver’s role has become more demanding ...
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Trainer in front of a classroom of new hires

New Guest Blog Post: Exceptional Home Health Care Starts with a Focus on Quality Training

As America’s growing elderly population prefers to age in place, families are increasingly relying on home health aides, personal care ...
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illustration of money and a paper that says 70%

Value Based Training at No Cost to You

As you know, the Value Based Payment (VBP) program rewards home care agencies and their aides for providing higher quality  ...
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Image depicting an integration of technology

The Integration That Will Save Your Agency Hundreds Of Hours A Year!

To work at maximum efficiency, home care agency need to ensure that they are working with the latest and most ...
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